Alien (1979)
Ridley Scott's fabulously frightening grimy spaceship classic.
Alien Quadrilogy (1979)
Nine-disc DVD offers two versions of each of the four Alien sc-fi fright flicks, with bonus extras.
Alpha Dog (2006)
The party-hearty lifestyle of bored Californian rich kids is rocked to the core when a botched drug deal has tragic consequences.
Alien Autopsy (2006)
Fictionalised retelling of the alien autopsy hoax film.
Death Watch (1980)
A man with a camera implanted in his brain is commissioned to film a documentary about a terminally ill woman's last days.
Escape From New York (1981)
Kurt Russell embarks on a one-man mission to save the US President in a futuristic prison city.
Harry Dean Stanton: Partly Fiction (2012)
A portrait of the actor, with singing.
Inland Empire (2006)
A married actress falls for her leading man whilst making a film about an illicit affair.
Lucky (2017)
The spiritual journey of a 90-year-old atheist.
The Man Who Cried (2000)
A Jewish girl hunting her father falls in love with a gypsy against the back drop of the Second World War.
The Mighty (1998)
Tale of friendship between a boy who has learning problems and a little bright spark who needs help standing up to bullies.
One From The Heart (1981)
After a couple split up on their anniversary they find the grass is not necessarily greener on the other side.
Paris, Texas (1984)
A man with no memory walks out of the desert and tries to reconnect with his family.
The Pledge (2001)
A retired cop investigates the mystery of a child murder, linking it with others, even though officially the case is closed.
Pretty In Pink (1986)
An awkward teenage girl from a poor background finds her life getting complicated when she falls for a boy from a rich one.
Rango (2011)
A chameleon finds himself in a Wild West town that is desperate for a new sheriff.
Repo Man (1984)
The intense life of a young punk repo man in a city haunted by a car with a secret.
The Straight Story (1999)
True life story of a man who crossed America on a lawnmower to see his brother.
This Must Be The Place (2011)
An oddball retired rock star takes a roadtrip across America inspired by his dead father.
The Wendell Baker Story (2005)
Feelgood romp with a positive message for old folks.
Wild At Heart (1990)
Sailor and Lula go on the run, after Lula's mum bids to kill her daughter's beau.

An island in the darkness Moin Hussain on creating the world of Sky Peals

Mirroring Monica Vitti Roberta Torre on Monica Vitti, Alba Rohrwacher, Shigeru Umebayashi and Mi Fanno Male I Capelli

Bonello, the time traveller France’s maverick on sci-fi, loneliness, music and working with Léa Seydoux

Secrets through the smoke Anna Hints and Tushar Prakash on code-switching and capturing the unsaid in Sauna Day

The weight of the past Muayad Alayan and Sheherazade Farrell on Palestinian experiences and A House In Jerusalem

Cousins and Swinton take a bow at Karlovy Vary World premiere of documentary about pioneering woman artist

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